The Adventures of Drake Wantsum, Hollywood Stuntman
Monday, December 19, 2011 at 6:00AM
Allan Mott in 80s Action, B-MOVIE BULLSH*T, B-Movies, Drake Wantsum, Humour, Nanofiction, Stuntman, nanofiction, satire

Part Thirteen


“Howdy, Slick.”

“Who are you? Where am I?”

“Don’t you recognize me, Drake? You doubled for me on McQ in seventy-four.”

“Duke? Is that you? But you died 2 years ago. I know ‘cause I got thrown out of your memorial service for hitting on Tatum O’Neal. I mean, how was I supposed to know she was only 15?”

“It’s me, Drake.”

“Then does that mean what I think it means?”

“That depends on what you think it means.”

“Am I in Heaven?”

“Turn around and you tell me, pardner. What do you see?”

“Fire. Lots and lots of fire.”

Article originally appeared on Vanity Fear (
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