50 Words or Less - Nightmare Sisters

For some the capsule review comes easy, but for me it’s an exercise in pure frustration. As a means of self-discipline I have decided to confront that which tortures me through this continuing feature—B-Movie Bullsh*t in 50 Words or Less.
With Nightmare Sisters, Z-Movie auteur David Decoteau proves what you can do if you film 10-minute masters without any coverage—make a terrible movie very cheaply. Despite this the movie succeeds thanks to the best special effects Decoteau could buy—scream queens Linnea Quigley, Brinke Stevens, and Michelle Bauer.
Reader Comments (5)
I gotta say, it's kind of a cop out when over 20% of your capsule review are duplicated words from the poster above it. Ok, so maybe you are writing the reviews to be independent of the image, but it's still a let down when you use up your precious word count to rename the director and all three actresses after I just read them. I would have rather had eight more words (a whole extra sentence!) about the movie.
Not to spoil anything, but patience in these cases may end up being rewarded. Oh, and the recap at the top of the poster, doesn't count.
And I totally knew you were going to complain about these eventually. Smiley face.
Oh "complain" is too harsh a word, don't you think? I prefer to think of it as constructive critiscm. And I concur; poster taglines don't count. I was only counting the names.
Constructive criticism is just complaining with a top hat and monocle.